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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I went with two seven-year-olds (my nephew, Will, and his friend, Carter) to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid and asked them to serve as guest bloggers.* Let's cut right to the chase with the important stuff. Both boys liked the movie and recommend it. Will calls it "funny," while Carter warns, "It's gross at the end."

Carter further cautions: "It's way different from the book."

As for character development, both Will and Carter give the filmmaker and actors thumbs-up. Carter especially liked the older brother, Roderick, because, "He has 'Loded Diper' [the name of his high school band] painted on his van.'" The little brother is not as likable, according to Carter, because "he's not potty-trained."

Will's favorite parts of the movie involved a cartoon about an acid puddle and another with the punch line, "Zooie, mama!"

Any lessons to be learned? "Don't mess with teenagers," said Carter.

"Never eat a piece of cheese on a basketball court outside," said Will.

"Don't play 'Gladiator' in middle school," said Carter.

Both fellas say: See it.

* The opinions presented here are not necessarily those of The Chronic Critic.

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